If you want to survive High School you actually have to pass. That's a sound tip from Carla van Staden from Gutsy Tutoring. Carla knows all about High School and how to cruise through it. Here's her advice to students.
The term independent school is often used interchangeably with private school. There is an impression that high-fee private schools make up most of the sector. This is not the case. This is a fast-growing and diverse sector in which there are all categories of schools emerging.
Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) is a Christian-based international schooling system that is widely used. It provides an education alternative, relative to learners’ needs. The ACE programme works on results-driven processes rather than conventionally applied time-focussed education curricula.
Your child’s school life spans 13 years or grades, from grade 0, otherwise known as grade R or reception year, through to grade 12 or matric – the year of matriculation. It is compulsory for all South African children to attend school from the age of seven (grade 1) to age 15, or the completion of grade 9.
A Waldorf school is private school that follows the teachings and educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. Steiner developed a philosophy known as anthroposophy
The Independent Examinations Board, or IEB, is a South African independent assessment agency which offers examinations at various independent schools. It is most prominent in setting examinations for the school-leaving National Senior Certificate, or NSC (which replaced the Senior Certificate and Further Education and Training Certificate) for its client schools.
CrawfordSchools™ is synonymous with academic excellence and at no time is this more evident than at the release of the Matric results every year. Once again, the Matric group of 2012 did not disappoint.
In 2012 584 Crawford candidates wrote the National Senior Certificate and achieved a total of 1 869 distinctions. This translates to 3.2 distinctions per candidate. A 100% pass rate was achieved and 98% of candidates achieved a Bachelor’s Degree Pass.