Help your Child Study Without a Fight

It’s been a long day, you’re tired and yet again the living room is filled with outbursts of “Stop telling me how it’s done!” or “I don’t need your help!” from your child as you vow to say calm not thwack them over the head. Does this sound familiar? Expert tutor Carla van Staden shares her top tips on how to help your child study without it ending in tears.

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3753 Hits

Rewriting Matric: What You Need To Know


If you find yourself in the position where your child has failed his/her Matric exams, fear not: there are many ways and resources to help them progress academically, be it a rewrite, or a positive step towards another goal. The most important thing to do is to act quickly and have the right information when deciding what to do next. Here is some important information to help you move forward.

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  13332 Hits
13332 Hits