What is Schooling 2025?


Schooling 2025 is the government's long-term plan for the basic education sector which will allow for the monitoring of progress against a set of measurable indicators covering all aspects of basic education including amongst others, enrolments and retention of learners, teachers, infrastructure, school funding, learner well-being and school safety, mass literacy and educational quality

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General Aims of CAPS


The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 gives expression to the knowledge, skills and values worth learning in South African schools. This curriculum aims to ensure that children acquire and apply knowledge and skills in ways that are meaningful to their own lives. In this regard, the curriculum promotes knowledge in local contexts, while being sensitive to global imperatives.

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Starting school nerves: How to help your child adjust


Starting a new school is definitely a big deal, and the anxiety of being left alone in a strange environment can be very stressful for your child. They may have some separation anxiety and you need to know how to handle it, writes Sandra Buckingham. 

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The Benefits of Storytelling


Storytelling is as old as time. From Adam and Eve to the Trojan War, the history of human civilization rests in the stories our ancestors used to tell, perhaps around a fire, so many thousands of years ago. The advantages of reading or telling a story to your young child are many, and not only educationally, but also neurologically, psychologically, linguistically and socially. Here are seven reasons to start reading now!

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How to Choose A High School


Deciding which high school you are going to send your teen to is a big decision. This school will be your teen's home away from home so they need to be part of the decision. Here are some things to consider when you make your list:

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