Friend trouble? Help your child handle emotions

Harry Potter was rejected, several times. If author J.K. Rowling hadn't kept trying publisher after publisher, we'd all have missed out on some great adventures. She didn’t take it personally and give up. She believed enough in herself and her abilities to try yet another publisher. Dr Tracey Stewart is a developmental psychologist working with children. She gives us tips on how to handle it if your child is rejected. 

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Time Management Tricks for Parents and Pupils


Time management is about weaving a life that is aligned with what matters most to you and will lead you to the most success.  It is a skill which should be taught from a very early age. You can teach your child to do this, but also apply this to your own life. Development psycologist Dr Tracey Stewart tells us how.  

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How to Make a Good Subject Choice

Chosing which subjects you want to take is a great lesson in future planning for your child. Starting in Grade 7 the choices are going to guide their future studies, and even careers. Every successful concept in life requires a proper framework and strategic planning. See this as an exercise to talk about your child's future, dreams and plans. Developmental psycologist Dr Tracey Stewart of Headwise shows us how to plan together. 

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Bullying: How to Handle it

The primary objective of human beings is to belong. A sense of belonging creates a feeling of being loved and valued, a feeling of acceptance.  Children, most especially, need to feel loved, valued and accepted firstly within their family units and then in their extended communities.  Dr Tracey Stewart from Headwise is our expert on developmental psychology. She tells us how to handle it if your child is being bullied - or is the bully.

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